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Retool integration

Last updated March 6, 2025

Learn how to connect your Retool application to Atlas as an internal dashboard.

Retool integration


Atlas allows you to integrate custom applications as internal dashboards. This guide will walk you through the process of connecting a Retool application to serve as an internal dashboard within Atlas.

Creating your Retool application

First, design and build your Retool application to display the information you want your team to access. Ensure your application can accept and utilize parameters such as user ID, user email, and username.

Sharing your Retool application

Once your Retool application is ready, use the share functionality within Retool to generate a shareable link. Copy this link as you'll need it for the next step.

Connecting to Atlas

To integrate your Retool application with Atlas, go to App Configuration > Internal Dashboard section. Paste your Retool application's shared link in the provided field. Add necessary parameters to the URL, such as user_id={{user_id}}, user_email={{user_email}}, and username={{user_name}}. Remember to save your settings after making these changes.

Authentication considerations

Retool applications typically require users to be logged in. Ensure that your team members have Retool accounts and are logged in to access the dashboard within Atlas. You might need to set up Single Sign-On (SSO) or other authentication methods to streamline this process.

Testing the integration

To test your integration, open the Atlas inbox and select a user profile. Look for the Internal Dashboard option and click to open it. Verify that your Retool application loads correctly with the user's information displayed. If you're not logged into Retool, you'll be prompted to do so.

Adjusting display settings

If your Retool application appears too small within Atlas, you may need to adjust the display settings in your Retool application. Consider modifying the layout or using responsive design principles to ensure the dashboard is easily viewable within the Atlas interface.

Utilizing the internal dashboard

An internal dashboard can be particularly useful for customer support agents, especially in e-commerce scenarios. For example, agents can process refunds or check order statuses directly from the dashboard without switching to another platform.


If your Retool application doesn't appear or load correctly in Atlas, verify that the URL is correct and all necessary parameters are included in the Atlas settings. Ensure you're logged into Retool and have the necessary permissions to view the application. Check for any console errors that might provide additional information about the issue.

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