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Last updated September 18, 2023


To enable SMS as a communication channel with your customers, go to   App Configuration > SMS  .

Option 1: Creating a new number

Click "Buy new number." This will automatically provision a number for you.

Option 2: Using an existing Twilio number

If you have a phone number on Twilio already that you'd like to use, select "Use existing Twilio number." In the prompt, you'll need the:

  • phone number
  • account SID
  • API key SID
  • API key secret

Once you've entered this info, you can verify the connection is successful before adding the number.


The Account SID can be found in your  Twilio console .

To create an API key, open your  Twilio console  and select "Account > API keys & tokens" from the top navbar.


from the  Auth tokens & API keys page , click "Create API key"


and then enter an alias for the API key (eg, "Atlas").


You'll then have the API credentials you'll use in Atlas.


Important: save the API secret since you will not be able to regenerate this number from Twilio.

Enter this info into the prompt in Atlas and click "Submit." Your existing Twilio number is now connected to Atlas.

Note: If you have multiple numbers on your account and only want a single number to be accessible to Atlas,  create a subaccount  and  assign the number to that subaccount  that you'd like Atlas to use.

Setting Prioritization

Next, go to  App Configuration > Chat  and set the Channel Reply Priority order.


This priority order determines which channel messages will default to if a user starts a conversation via chat and then leaves your site. If a channel isn't available, the next highest priority channel will be attempted if it is available (eg, in the above case, if you don't have the email address of a customer, Atlas will attempt to send an SMS to the user if a phone number is available for them).

Using SMS

Any communications that start via SMS will remain in SMS. Any communications started via chat will switch to the next highest priority channel depending on your settings in App Configuration.

You can start new messages with customers via the Compose functionality where you can choose the channel for the messages.

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